Monday, May 3, 2010

Hair Today. Gone Tomorrow!

I've been contemplating trimming my little one's hair.  I love his head full of gorgeous, blond curls. Well, my five-year-old made that decision for me. After a long day of juggling the boys, auditions and rush hour traffic, I was exhausted.  I stepped away for a moment to take off my makeup.  When I left, the boys were contently snuggled on the bed watching TV.  For some reason, my older one was suddenly inspired to cut hair. He dug into the desk drawer and retrieved the scissors.  He chopped off the center chunk of his bangs. Then, like Edward Scissorhands, he went to town on his brother's hair. There were fistfuls of blond locks on the floor, and my little one was bald with a row of curls at the bottom. It looked like a toddler mullet. My little one had a big smile on his face. He was pleased with his new look.  My oldest one was hiding. When he finally reappeared, his lower lip was quivering, and he told me, "Mommy, don't be mad.  I left his curls."  I rushed them to the salon where they recreated my oldest son's hairstyle into a spiky do.  For my little one, the stylist just smiled and said, "It will grow back."
This photo is the night before when my little one got into a bag of marshmallows.


The moral of the story is never trust a five-year-old.  We've had many discussions about scissor safety, but you never know when inspiration might strike!  

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